Special Offers | 20% More Gold | 1 Extra Power-up
Wizard of Oz Magic Match Store gives you 20% more gold & 1 extra power-up on purchases compared to the in-game store.
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
Gold Packs | 10% More Gold
Gold is the currency of the Land of Oz, and you can use it to buy Lives, continuing on a difficult level, or buying Power Ups. Clear the board using bubbles, beams, and other power-ups, along with gold from our exclusive packs.
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
15% Bonus
Free Gift
Wizard of Oz Magic Match required. Free gift may be collected once per account per 24-hour period. Terms apply.
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